When you’re not on the same frequency

I usually can’t hear her in class. Even if we’re just two seats away.

But I heard her today. Well, only partially.

I heard Krispy Kreme. I heard that it was “coming to Malaysia”. I heard that it is big in the western countries. I heard Big Apple.

So I ran my thoughts through my memory, trying to find something that relates to Krispy Kreme.

And I thought of STOMP, Cats, The Wicked Wizards and Riverdance.

And I thought that Krispy Kreme was one of those performing acts famous in some foreign countries. And I thought: Darn, here’s another famous quirky performing act that I do not know about.

I wondered if they were here for a concert or something.

Then I heard something that referred to Krispy Kreme as a food brand.

Oh…and it clicked. She said Big Apple DONUTS! What was I thinking?

Krispy Kreme the band/group/magicians/dancers?? -.-”

Seriously, Liz.

This is Krispy Kreme

~ by Liz Lee on March 13, 2009.

5 Responses to “When you’re not on the same frequency”

  1. ROTFL omg, liz! u’re so funny la =D
    and omg, krispy kreme’s coming to malaysia?!
    i’ve only tasted it once in sydney, n i crave for it sometimes but they’re not available in adelaide =(
    i wonder if they’ll taste the same…hmm…

    • Yup, it’s coming to Malaysia…but I dunno if it’ll land in Penang so soon.
      You’ll have to be our taste judge, ya? The verdict awaits you…

  2. LOL ok, if it lands in Penang la…if not how m i gonna taste it? =P unless u bring back la…haha~

  3. LOL true…hmmm…then i’ll try them when/if i go to kl la! =D

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