Ahhh…a new year, a breath of fresh air…

Happy 2010!

Well, granted I’m a little over a week tardy but well, the new year spirit still rings inside me! Most probably because I’m still on holidays and don’t feel that pressure to return to any specific form of routine. Ah, that will come in a week.

Liberty never tires of invigoration. Well, if you know how to savour it, that is. Mind you, there have been times when I wanted to tear my hair out from mundane liberty a.k.a. idleness.

Ehhneewayss, this post is just to kick start the year with lots of love, hope and well wishes. I’m brimming with the feeling you get when you just bought a new pair of shoes or a new gadget…like you’re on top of the world and anything is possible. For those whose new year spirit has waned in the past week, let me hopefully inject another dose of enthusiasm in you!

I’ll type out what I texted my family and closest buddies on 010110, a wish that I now extend to the rest of the world (or, whoever reading this)!

Let there be pink in your cheeks,

smiles in your eyes,

wit in your speech,

humour in your conversations,

passion in your work,

blue-greens in your wallet,

opportunities in your seeking,

peace in your dealings,

wisdom in your living and

love in everything all year round!


I woke up on 010110 to a morning that felt like the Chinese New Year: The northern wind sweeping through the house, wind chimes in the distance, joss stick fragrance (sandalwood, most probs) from the neighbourhood and tranquility. Lovely, just lovely. Makes me look forward more to the actual CNY too!

Here’s to relishing the newness of 2010! *clink*

And here’s to an accomplished year ahead! *clink clink*

~ by Liz Lee on January 8, 2010.

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